Should Rugby Clubs be on TikTok? Things to Consider, Plus Content Examples

Wed, Jul 19, 2023, 3:40 AM
by Matt Want

Should your rugby club be on TikTok?

The answer is….maybe.

As we mentioned in the article 12 Weekly Social Media Posts Ideas For Your Rugby Club, the decision to use TikTok or any other social media platform should ultimately be based on a thorough understanding of your club's target audience, your available resources, and the commitment required to maintain an active and engaging presence on the platform.

Here are three reasons why your rugby club should consider using TikTok:
1. Wide Reach and Viral Potential

TikTok has a massive user base, particularly among younger demographics. By using TikTok, community rugby clubs can tap into this large and engaged audience to increase their visibility and reach. The platform's algorithm prioritizes content that resonates with users, offering the potential for videos to go viral and attract attention from a wider audience, including potential players and supporters.

2. Creative and Engaging Content

TikTok is known for its creative and entertaining content formats, such as challenges, dances, and duets. Your rugby club can leverage these formats to showcase your players' skills, share highlights from matches, and engage in fun and interactive ways with their audience. By creating captivating content, clubs can build a strong connection with players, members, and fans, fostering a sense of community and encouraging participation.

3. Enhanced Branding and Promotion

TikTok offers various features for branding and promotion, such as branded effects, filters, and hashtags. You can utilize these tools to create a distinct identity and promote your club culture. By encouraging players, coaches, and members to participate in challenges or use specific hashtags, clubs can amplify their reach and generate user-generated content that helps to strengthen their brand presence.

Likewise, here are three reasons to not use TikTok as a social media channel for your rugby club:
1. Time and Resource Commitment

TikTok requires dedicated time and effort to create and curate engaging content. Managing a TikTok account alongside other social media platforms can be time-consuming, especially for clubs with limited resources and personnel. If a club does not have the capacity to consistently produce quality content or engage with the TikTok community, it may lead to a neglected or inactive account, potentially harming the club's reputation.

2. Risk of Inappropriate Content

TikTok is an open platform where anyone can create and share content. While the platform has implemented measures to moderate and filter content, there is still a risk of inappropriate or unsuitable content appearing in users' feeds. As a community rugby club, you need to consider the potential negative associations and reputational risks if your brand becomes associated with inappropriate or controversial content that might be found on TikTok.

3. Audience Relevance and Demographics

While TikTok has a large user base, it primarily attracts a younger demographic, with a focus on Gen Z and Millennials. Does your target audience aligns with the demographics of TikTok users? If the majority of a club's members and supporters are older or have a limited presence on TikTok, the platform may not be the most effective way to engage its existing audience or attract new members.

Once you’ve considered these pros and cons, if you’re planning to use TikTok, here are a handful of content ideas you might like to try

1. Club Challenge: Try Scoring Celebration!

Post a video challenging your players and members to create unique and creative try-scoring celebrations. The video showcases different players from the club demonstrating their entertaining celebrations, inspiring others to participate and showcasing the club's fun and inclusive culture.

2. Player Spotlight: Behind-the-Scenes Training

Share a behind-the-scenes video featuring one of your players during a training session. The video provides insights into the player's dedication, skill development, and training routines. It gives fans an exclusive glimpse into the club's training environment and promotes the hard work and commitment of its players.

3. Match Day Vlog: Road to Victory!

Create a vlog-style video capturing the excitement and preparations leading up to a crucial match. The vlog includes interviews with players, coaches, and fans, showcasing the anticipation and building the atmosphere around the upcoming game. This type of content helps to engage fans and build anticipation for match days.

4. Community Impact: Club Charity Event

Share a video highlighting your involvement in a charity event or community outreach program. The video can showcase players and club members volunteering, participating in fundraising activities, or engaging with local schools and community organizations. This content demonstrates the club's commitment to social responsibility and community engagement, fostering a positive image and attracting like-minded individuals.

5. Throwback Thursday: Classic Rivalry Moments

Share a nostalgic video compilation of memorable moments from past matches against a rival team. This content taps into the emotional connection fans have with historical rivalries, generating excitement and engagement. It encourages fans to reminisce, share their own memories, and build anticipation for future encounters.

6. Fan of the Week: Shoutout and Highlights

Select a dedicated and passionate fan each week and create a video montage highlighting their support and enthusiasm. The video includes interviews with the fan, footage of them cheering at matches, and testimonials from players or coaches acknowledging their contribution. This type of content recognizes and appreciates the club's supporters, fostering a sense of community and loyalty.

These examples illustrate a variety of engaging content that showcases different aspects of the rugby club, including player talent, community involvement, behind-the-scenes footage, historic moments, and fan appreciation. By utilizing these types of posts, rugby clubs can effectively engage their audience and create a strong bond with players, members, and supporters.

Even if you decide not to go use TikTok, these content ideas could equally be adapted to use on Facebook or Instagram.

What is your club’s experience with TikTok? Please comment below to share your thoughts on the pros and cons, or any content strategies that have worked well for you.



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