The Fundamentals

Values and Behaviours

The values and behaviors of your club help define you both on and off the field. Often described as the 'club culture', this is extremely important to any successful Rugby club.

Creating a place that is inclusive to all, promotes positive attitudes, values and respects the beliefs of others is extremely important.

These values and behaviours start at a committee level and filter down to the rest of the club. A balance between interests - whether sporting outcomes, financial sustainability, community connection etc. is all important in setting the right values and behaviours.

For example, in 2009 the World Rugby member unions identified five (5) values as the defining character-building characteristics of rugby:

  • Integrity
  • Passion
  • Solidarity
  • Discipline
  • Respect

These are now collectively known as the World Rugby values and are incorporated within the World Rugby Playing Charter, a guiding document aimed at preserving rugby’s unique character and ethos both on and off the field of play.